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Chapter 2520 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep13

  • Amy was taking a long time, and as Ron was replaying Steve McNair's last gasp drive against the Rams, reliving the frustration he had felt on Super Bowl Sunday, his cock began to soften and shrink. He moved quickly on to recalling his own stats from his most recent basketball season, now making some real progress toward a flaccid cock, when he heard Beth's voice.
  • "Wow Pam, you sure do have some sexy undies here." Beth taunted, holding up several of Pam's bras and panties for all to see.
  • "Beth! Give me those right now." Pam demanded of her friend. Pam had never been much for frilly lingerie, but Dave's recent invitation to have Amy meet his new, much younger girlfriend had put Pam in a funk. As a pick-me-up, she had gone shopping at Victoria's Secret. At this very moment she was regretting having done so.
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